Document revisions
Document revisions

document revisions document revisions

Alternatively, if you are already viewing a revision, you can get the link to the unique ID from the top right-hand corner of the document view:.In the revision history view, the ID column contains stable links to specific revisions.


Access the revision history of a document (the previous section, "See the revision history of a document", explains how to achieve that).To find a fixed revision link for a document: First, you will need copy the ID to the specific revision of a document.You can make links to fixed revisions of RSpace documents, in order to link to a snapshot of the whole experimental context at a point-in-time – including fixed versions of attachments, and linked documents. Clickable links at the end of each row to View or Restore the document.The Modifications Details column shows what actions were performed or what fields were edited in the revision – this can become quite an extensive list if many actions were performed in one editing session before saving, but it allows precise location of activities without needing to repeatedly view the document.Modified by and Modification Date columns.ID links that link to specific versions of the document (read "Linking to fixed revisions of documents" below).The name and version number of the document.

document revisions

  • A page appears showing the history of the document:.
  • Select Revisions from the sub-menu that appears.
  • Click the checkbox next to the desired document in the Workspace.
  • The current changes can also be reverted by closing the document without saving, or by using the "Undo" button of the text editor. The changes are saved to the revision history when you save or close the document. The Show Revisions command, on the shortcut menu in Cache Assistant, displays the name and folder path of any documents that are revisions of the selected document.Regular autosaves, which occur while you work, do not immediately create new revision points. The Revised From command, on the shortcut menu in Cache Assistant, displays the name and folder path of the document that was used as a template to create the selected document. The Cache Assistant dialog box contains two commands that work together with the Set Action to Revise command to provide information for revised documents. Draft documents with a status of Obsolete are ignored in the Where Used search. If you use the Set Action to Revise command to revise a 3D document, a Where Used search is performed for associated draft documents and you can choose to revise them as well.


    However, you need to run the Where Used command to find where the document is used and manually update any other documents you want linked to the new revision. If you use the Set Action to Revise command to revise a document in the context of an assembly, the link in the assembly updates to point to the new revision. Since the original document does not change when you revise it, it is not checked out of the library. When updating multiple documents, all of the selected documents must be managed. You can revise a single document or multiple documents. If you set the Get Latest Version When Opening Document option on the Manage page of the Options dialog box, the latest version of the document is downloaded to the local cache before it is revised. You must have a managed library folder as part of the new document path. When you select the command, the existing path and an incremented version of the existing document name are placed in the New Filename column on the Contents window. The Set Action To Revise command, on the Manage menu in Revision Manager, revises managed documents. When you add a document to a managed library on a server, it becomes a managed document.

    Document revisions